What is pelvic ultrasound? A Pelvic ultrasound scan is the most effective imaging modality used to examine the uterus and ovaries. It is also used during pregnancy to monitor the health and development of the embryo or fetus. In males, a pelvic ultrasound usually focuses on the bladder and prostate gland. There are two methods of performing pelvic ultrasound; Supra-pubic (through a full bladder) and trans-vaginal (via the vagina). The same principles of high frequency sound waves apply in each technique. |
What are the common uses of the procedure? For a woman, pelvic ultrasound is the most widely used method to examine the uterus and ovaries and, during pregnancy, to monitor the health and development of the embryo or fetus.Pelvic ultrasound can help determine the causes of pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding before or after menopause or other menstrual problems. It is used to identify and assess cysts on the ovaries, fibroids in the uterus and polyps in the lining (endometrium) of the uterus. It is also used to help diagnose ovarian or uterine cancers. These examinations are usually carried out by a female ultrasonographer. In males, a pelvic ultrasound usually focuses on the bladder and the prostate gland. It is a valuable tool for evaluating the prostate gland, as it will show enlargement of the prostate (benign prostate hypertrophy) and may detect cancers. In both sexes, a pelvic ultrasound examination can help to identify tumours and other disorders in the urinary bladder. |
How should I prepare for the scan? There are two ways to perform pelvic ultrasound:
What will I experience during the examination?
Supra-pubic Ultrasound:
In the supra-pubic approach, you will be asked to lie on your back on an examination couch and a clear warm gel is applied to the lower abdomen to help the transducer make contact with the skin. The ultrasound practitioner presses the transducer against the skin and sweeps it back and forth to image the area of interest.
In the supra-pubic approach, you will be asked to lie on your back on an examination couch and a clear warm gel is applied to the lower abdomen to help the transducer make contact with the skin. The ultrasound practitioner presses the transducer against the skin and sweeps it back and forth to image the area of interest.
You will be asked to drink fluid prior to the examination to fill the bladder, which is used as a “window” to examine the uterus and ovaries behind it. Because of the distance between the transducer and the organs of interest, information might be lost and the sensitivity of the scan is not as good as the trans-vaginal approach.
Trans-vaginal Ultrasound:
Trans-vaginal ultrasound is the method routinely used at Kent Medical Imaging, unless there is a contra-indication. It is the most sensitive and appropriate method of examining the uterus and ovaries. It can detect early diseases and conditions that cannot be detected by the supra-pubic approach, and therefore it is the method of choice for pelvic assessment and screening.
The procedure is painless and it resembles the insertion of a tampon. You will be asked to lie on your back and a small transducer, similar to a fat pen, is inserted into the vagina. A protective cover is placed over the transducer and is lubricated with a small amount of gel before being inserted into the vagina. The ultrasound practitioner will move the transducer gently into different positions to obtain different images of the uterus and ovaries.
These examinations are usually carried out by a ultrasonographer.
For all types of examinations, you will have the opportunity to view the images and discuss the findings with the ultrasound practitioner. (our doctor).These examinations are usually carried out by a ultrasonographer.